Sunday, August 29, 2010

Maxwell Cemetery

Okay, I do realize that this is two death-themed posts in a row, so before you freak out and think I'm getting suicidal or something; I'm not. I simply like to visit cemeteries. Especially old ones. Texas happens to have a lovely abundance of old cemeteries, with really good headstones that stick up out of the ground(instead of Forest Lawn's, which are flat in the facilitate lawn-mowing...).

I enjoy cemeteries for photographic purposes, because they usually make pretty awesome pictures, but also for the historical factor. Cemeteries are instant history. There were graves in this cemetery of people who fought in the Civil War! That for me is pretty dang fascinating.

I am not creeped out by the death factor that there are a bunch of dead bodies buried under where I'm walking. Because that's all they are; bodies. And I don't think that cemeteries are haunted, I think they'd be the least likely place to be haunted. Because honestly, if ghosts existed, they's hang out in the places they lived, not someplace they only went to when they were dead.

(Also, note the trees in the background and how they would make an amazing watercolor.)

So anyways, here are my cemetery picture. I hope they're interesting to you photographically if not historically.

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