Saturday, August 28, 2010

That Wylie Band

This morning we all got up early and headed over to Kerry's lovely house to have breakfast and see the Wylie High School Marching Band go by. We sat on her driveway in camp chairs and ate scones and eggs and delicious monkey bread. Then we cheered and clapped for anyone who ran or drove by before the band got to our street. Just to confuse them.

The Wylie High School Marching Band is pretty well known around here, because its HUGE. Football is such a big deal here that if you aren't playing in the games, you're pretty much in the marching band.

They were marching all around our neighborhood for a fund raiser. If there were enough people, or if they donated enough, the band would stop and play a song for them.

With much hootin' and hollerin' we got the band to stop for us, since we were a group of ten people, and we donated.

Later, when Dad and I were driving back from the nature trail, we saw them again! So we pulled over and listened to them.

Oh, and the Wylie High School mascot is the Pirate(the middle school mascot is the marauder, so there's a big pirate theme.). They're the Wylie Pirates! ARRRRGG!(or as I like to say...YAAAARN!!)

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