Thursday, August 19, 2010

Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day

Mom and I FINALLY got to see Miss Pettigrew lives for a day! We've both wanted to see this movie for a really long time. The story was pretty weak, but it was a really cute movie.

The Story: Amy Adams is adorable. Miss Pettigrew has to help Delysia(Amy Adams) to stop being a floozy and pick a dude. She has to choose between...

A twelve year old boy(ew, look at him. He's icky.),

An old, rich, bossy dude(Lord Blackwood from Sherlock Holmes...),

And Lee Pace! Yeah, I'd go with that one too, Amy.(For anyone who hasn't caught on, I seriously like Lee Pace.)

Lee Pace plays a moody piano player(he actually learned to play the piano for this part! yes!) whose accent meanders all over Europe, but you can't blame him, becuase he's so dang cute. He even sings! No, he's not that great at that either, but who cares?! I love that he tried. Also, I love that he's in this movie.

Everyone gets a happy ending, which you pretty much knew from the beginning of the movie. Miss Pettigrew gets her man(Ciaran Hinds, who is in the bbc version of Persuasion and is in Phantom of the Opera. He's like one step down from Alan Rickman on the cool scale.), who leaves his woman(Moaning Myrtle) to be with someone who actually knows how to smile.

(Girlfriend totally has waltzing issues, so this whole scene is zoomed in on their faces, so you can't really tell. But no scene shows Lee Pace's fingers when he's playing piano, so he looks like he's faking. What's with that?)

Amy Adams realizes that Lee Pace is pretty much the cutest thing ever, and they end up happily ever after, in America, where Lee Pace doesn't need an accent.

And all the costumes are amazing. The end.

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