Saturday, July 17, 2010

McKinney, Texas - Part One

We went to McKinney today, and I'm going to have to break the trip into several posts because there are too many things to talk about and pictures to show. Old Town McKinney is a really cute place with a lot of antique shops and boutiques. We went there looking for a headboard for me, and things to decorate the kitchen with.

We stopped at the coffee and cream in the morning because we got there too early and everything opened at 10. It was a really good little coffee shop. The workers were really friendly and the drinks were loads better than Starbucks.

I lokve walking around McKinney, because all the building are old and are much more interesting to look at than modern stores.

It used to have a lot more antique stores, but a lot of them went out of business and were replaced by restaurants. Some of the same stores we saw when we visited a couple years ago were still there, but have moves to different places within Old Town McKinney.

We spent pretty much the whole day there looking at all the stored. And of course we went with Uncle Andy, Aunt Cori, and Evelyn.

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