Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Kitchen!

Our kitchen cabinets were finally dry and we got to put our stuff in them. This went a long way toward establishing peace and order in the house. Now that the kitchen is organized we can actually cook and eat here. It seems much more like home now.

Mom's going with a red theme in the kitchen. Red towels, red clock, red cutting board, all of it. She's even thinking of painting the pantry door red(We have a pantry! hooray!). The kitchen is by no means done, though. We need a new dishwasher, because ours is slanted to one side, and I'm pretty sure that's bad. The sink is really shallow too, which annoys Mom quite a bit. We also have to get used to an electric stove, since we've always used gas. It's all going to take some work to get used to, but overall it's a good kitchen with lots of counter space and bigger cabinets(we're told that in Texas they're called cupboards.) and it has a pantry(did I mention that?). I'm sure we'll keep improving the kitchen since a good kitchen equals a happy mom.

1 comment:

  1. uh-oh. doesn't seeing the color red make you hungry? and you're putting it in your kitchen!
