Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

It was Dad's birthday today so we went out to eat! We went to Chuy's, a Mexican resturaunt that is pretty...eclectic.

They decorated the ceiling of one room entirely with hubcaps, and they only play 80's music. They celebrate Elvis's birthday and even cook some of his favorite foods.

Chuy's has great salsa. They have a white sauce that's like ranch dressing with jalapenos mixed in. It sounds gross, but it's tasty. The food was good too, but the portions seemed really big.

After dinner we went back to Uncle Andy and Aunt Cori's house for cake and presents. Aunt Cori made lemon cake(Dad's favorite), and Uncle Andy played guitar while we sang happy birthday.

Dad isn't one for much celebration but I think he had a good birthday.

And the best present of all...Mom got a job!!! At a quilt store! She starts work Monday. :D


  1. that's awesome about your mom's job! a quilt store is perfect!

  2. Please tell your dad Happy Birthday! In the midst of a crazy week at VBS I missed his Birthday! So glad he was able to celebrate it with all his family around him! That makes it very special. Love that Oscar the Grouch shirt! We missed him today in KidStuf. The skit was perfect for him, but Paul Armstrong did comic host and it was hysterical. Miss you all.
