Saturday, July 3, 2010

How fares the kitty?

My kitty is finally getting used to the new house. After leashes and road trips and thunder and lightning, she's starting to calm down. She finally stopped hiding under my dresser, which was literally the smallest space she could get into. We let her roam about the house for the first few nights, but now we put her in the laundry room, as it seems she only wants to show affection to me at 4:00 in the morning, when I'm trying to sleep; and it's kinda hard to sleep with a cat walking all over you.

She's not particularly fond on the laundry room, however. The first time we put her in there, she knocked a bottle of laundry detergent(a big bottle, too!)off the window sill. It then crashed into the ground, breaking the cap, and leaving detergent spread across the laundry room floor for Mom and Dad to find in the morning. We have now cleared the sills of all breakable objects, and leave Misty to her own devices in the laundry room each night. As Dad would say, "she can handle it."

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