Saturday, January 1, 2011

Catching up!

Soo I have gotten pretty dang behind on my blogging. Lots of stuff has been going on in the last few months.
First, there was Thanksgiving, which was fabulous and wonderful and that marked the beginning of the chaos.

Becaaaause, right after Thanksgiving...

Aunt Cori, Kerry and I had a booth at a craft fair called the Loopty Ewe where we sold knitted and chrocheted items(they crocheted, I knit.)

We worked our fingers off getting ready for this craft fair and it was a success! A lot of people turned out and we did really well. Also, it was FREEZING!! Good for business, but sooo not fun. We still take orders, so feel free to check out the Loopty Ewe website. :)

Once we had recovered from that there were finals in school(A's in every class! yes!)

and then after thaaaat(I told you it was busy) Grandma and Grandpa moved out here to Texas. Just in time for Christmas. Into a house designed by two of their lovely architect sons(Uncle Andy and Dad).

Also, When I said "just in time for Christmas," I really meant it. It was only a few days after they were here and it was Christmas. It was a great Christmas, despite the new place and missing old friends. It helped that we had so much of the family together again.

Then all the sudden it was the new year! So i figured i should start it out right and let you all(ya'll) know how things have been going. The verdict: not to bad.

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