Thursday, October 21, 2010

Some something actually happened in our lives again. We got trees for the backyard! Since we gave the playset to a neighbor our backyard has be amazingly, obnoxiously bare. But now we have two trees that are supposed to grow fast, and the yard has some visual interest.

The first tree is a Brandywine Maple(which i refer to as a "hobbit tree," not because it is small, but because in the first Lord of the Rings movie the hobbits have to escape the ringwraiths by crossing the Brandywine Brige and getting on the ferry thing. Also, Merry's last name is Brandybuck. So, long tangent, but it's a hobbit tree.)

The second tree is a Red Oak, similar to the one in our front yard, and it is supposed to turn really pretty colors in the fall, so that should be fun.

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