Thursday, October 21, 2010

Some something actually happened in our lives again. We got trees for the backyard! Since we gave the playset to a neighbor our backyard has be amazingly, obnoxiously bare. But now we have two trees that are supposed to grow fast, and the yard has some visual interest.

The first tree is a Brandywine Maple(which i refer to as a "hobbit tree," not because it is small, but because in the first Lord of the Rings movie the hobbits have to escape the ringwraiths by crossing the Brandywine Brige and getting on the ferry thing. Also, Merry's last name is Brandybuck. So, long tangent, but it's a hobbit tree.)

The second tree is a Red Oak, similar to the one in our front yard, and it is supposed to turn really pretty colors in the fall, so that should be fun.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Harbor

We went on an adventure to find the Harbor in Rockwall. I like it because it looks like California. Except it's not the ocean. It's Lake Ray Hubbard.

It's a lot more crowded in the Summer, but it was virtually empty when we where there. So we got to go around taking goofy pictures and no one was there to care.

Dad, being "Captain Elbow"( but not "Captain Fidget", because that's T.J.) because of his habit of standing with his hand on his hips so that his elbows are dangerously in the way. I was copying him.

We walked around and ended up going the The Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory to get some chocolate. Mom got a dark chocolate pecan cluster, Dad got a raisin cluster and I got a pumpkin pie truffle, which really just tasted like a chocolate truffle that was pretending to be something else. But chocolate is chocolate, so no complaints here!

While we were eating our chocolate this guy just walked up to us and started talking to us. In California he would have had to be crazy or a homeless person or both to do that, but he wasn't. He was just a normal guy. People in Texas are just friendly like that. Really friendly. He talked to us for about a half hour. Then we went to Costco and got new phones! yay!

The Symphony

Oops! I haven't posted on here for a while. But that's because nothing was happening. And now everything is happening all at once! When it rains, it pours(especially in Texas..).
This picture is from when we went to see the Richardson Symphony Orchestra at the Eisemann Center. We had to go for one of T.J.'s music classes. They played all Beethoven, and did a really good job, but the orchestra seemed small. There was a strike going on, so that might have been part of it, but I think I'm just used to the Long Beach Symphony Orchestra. Despite their size, they still sounded great, and we had fun.